Wednesday 22 July 2009

Search Engine Friendly CMS

If you are looking for a Search Engine Friendly CMS then our INSTANT internet service is the perfect choice.

Every time you create a new page its title automatically gets added to the behind the scenes areas on the page, such as META Tags and Sitemaps which Google and other search engines use to build their search results.

So with an INSTANT internet website you dont need to pay an SEO Company to optimise your website for Google.

INSTANT internet is also the perfect Small Business Web Design company with its catalogue and e-commerce capabilites

Monday 6 July 2009

INSTANT internet - Websites with CMS

INSTANT internet is the Web Design new service from London Web, that allows users to add and edit their own website content.

Several years of work has gone into developing one of the best Content Management Systems around.

Optional extras can also be added such as an online catalogue, online shop and Search Engine Optimisation

So if you are looking for a low cost Website Solution for your business then this is for you, we can also provide a more bespoke web design in London and surrounding areas.